Embark on a unique sonic journey with Rooky Kamiz, the Afrofusion sensation who masterfully blends the rich soul of Nigeria with the vibrant vibes of Canada, creating a musical experience like no other.
Rooky’s music is a harmonious blend of Afrobeats and contemporary genres like Pop, R&B, and hip-hop, serving as a cultural crossroads that beautifully reflects his Nigerian heritage and Canadian spirit.
His magnetic charisma transcends boundaries, bringing audiences together in a shared musical experience where backgrounds fade and music unites. This unique ability has propelled him to the forefront of Saskatchewan and Canada’s Afro-fusion scene, with his musical roots and collaborations spanning both continents.
- Rooky KAMIZ – IRIDESCENT is now available for Digital Download & Streaming.
- 2023 Saskatchewan Music Award Nomination + Canadian burger featured on CBC’s Marvins Room radio show!
- Rooky presents “The Afro ‘N’ Chill fest” featuring lots of live music in regina
- VOTE FOR “Satori” by Rooky as the best Saskatchewan album 2022